WW1 Steel Helmets & Face Visors Gallery

Intro: …a general, short (3-4 line?), introductory paragraph about helmets and visors in World War 1

Exhibits: click on an image below to view in detail.

section 1: The Central Powers

Includes exhibits from the German Empire, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.

Article: The Development and Use of Steel Helmets and Protective Face Masks by the Central Powers

Austrian M16
German M16 & face guard
German M16 como & chain face visor
German M16

section 2: The Allies

Including exhibits from France, Great Britain and the British Empire, Belgium, USA, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro, Italy, Romania, Portugal and Greece.

Intro: The Development and Use of Steel Helmets and Protective Face Masks by the Allies

British Brodie helmet Mk 2 and trench-made face visor

return to section 1: The Central Powers

return to World War 1 Era : 1914 -1923