Museums of Crimean War Interest

Sadly, many museums that we remember visiting over past years which featured good displays or appreciable artefacts of Crimean War relevance, (for example, Belvoir Castle’s 17th/21st Lancers Museum, open from 1963-2007, and Leicester’s incredible Tigers [17th Foot] museum, 1969-96), have since been closed or moved and amalgamated and thus diluted into insignificance. Magnificent artefacts that were once on display seem to have been mothballed into obscurity, lost, or disposed-of and any remaining token ‘regimental’ museums now appear quite generic, hi-tech and virtual, (and even woke), with little or no emphasis upon genuine, curated artefacts associated with historic actions any longer.

Notably, back in 2003, the NAM did hold an excellent temporary exhibition to mark the 150th Anniversary of the conflict – Crimean War: A Most Desperate Undertaking, which was accompanied by a large format book and a TV documentary, (later released on DVD).

If you know of any good exhibits or displays of genuine interest, in provincial or regimental museums, etc, (including any private collections which may be accessible), anywhere in the UK or abroad, please inform us and help us to compile our Museums list in the Resources section of this site. Thank you.

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